Amitabh Bachchan motivational Speech


The child is the dream of its parent a dream that the parent lives if you want to learn how to live your dream

Just watch your parents see how it works for them but that's how it works for all of us with caring with passion with resolve with commitment and with determination

That’s the easy part the tough one comes later the tough part is when you and your dream cannot be distinguished when you become the dream dream of not just your parents or yourself but a point in the journey where you become the dream of a nation when you become the dream of the choices you made when your vision echoes in millions of resonating voices across the world from where there is no looking back you are the dream today as you stand on this formative threshold from where you you look forward to making those dreams come alive your parents look upon you with prayers your teachers look up to you with pride and the nation looks up to you with hope

That is the strength the power of a dream and today it is yours grab it with all your courage and make it happen

There can be times when it will be or feel impossible to perform it may feel like a fairy tale no one said that life is easy but never be shaken by its adversities a dream a vision is not an intangible unreal imaginary piece of fiction

A dream has hands it has feet it has a body your hands

Your feet your body the dream is you and you are the dream may the two always remain united in spirit and if that means a struggle if that means a fight to finish so be it

It’s not about winning or losing it's about living a life if i had been a sportsman a boxer athlete hockey player cricketer

If I’d joined the army the navy and the air force if i had been anything else other than an actor

My parents would still have been happy because i was their dream no matter what i myself was dreaming to be

Gandhiji said and the speaker here the head boys talked about change he said be the change that you wish to see in the world if i were to add my feelings to it I’d say be the dream that you wish to see in the world so live a dream a dream which is neither mind nor yours nor anyone else's

A dream which belongs only to itself what you bring to the world are the blessings of your parents learning’s of your teachers and your dreams they are precious do not trade them for anything in the world which brings us to a curious word that has become a part of some kind of jargon

It’s a world called career I’m not quite sure i quite like this

Word Korea career is literally a dash of speed like a horse does on a race track bolting at uncontrollable speed without a name or an objective life is not a race course

life is an order a discipline life is a focus life is a purpose a

purpose achieved by virtues which are developed with

personal effort do not gamble on life it may not happen twice a dream therefore is much more than a career

the dreams of the parents and the dreams of the child live

in one place remember that place is called home not yours not mine not his not us no one persons a home is always ours our home our dream is our worship our vision is our prayer this is the structure of dreams this is the bond

this is alter the bondage a bond of love the bondage of responsibility be that of a small family or that of a large nation we are because we dare to dream we are because we learn to excel you know chances are very strong that i

could have been in cinema or in any other creative aspect of life without a grounding in education education which

Is in consonance with the belief that what sculpture is to a block of marble education is to the human soul We shouldn't aspire towards a graduation degree merely because of peer or parental pressure and i say this

with all due respect we should aspire to become graduates because we feel the need to be complete with the advantage of formal education remember always

in life whatever is good to know is difficult to learn the education of the greatest value that i received in my

school which was sherbet college up in the hills in

nanital was how to be a human being of what we call in shorthand character and i don't mean the ones that i play in my films admittedly i had the benefit of inspirational

parentage but Sherwood taught me to live in dignity

with my peers live in a community and live well with myself in the world at large in consequence living together

working together learning together fighting and loving each other competing fairly in noble rivalry and cooperating supportively i learned a sense of fellowship



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